Long service recognized

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Long service recognized

Twenty-five years: Major Shirley Breukelman, Major Jeffrey S. Dennis, Sr., Major Verna Hughes, Major Cheryl Lo, Major Darlan Marquez, Major Eloisa Martin, Major Jeffrey A. Martin, Major Mona M. Moore, Major Margaret Peacock, Major Richard Peacock, Major Katherine E. Reed, Major Florence Rodriguera, Major Carol Samuelson, Major Marvin Samuelson.

Thirty years: Major Don R. Bowman, Major Rachele Bowman, Major Larry Fankhauser, Major Kevin R. Hailes, Major David E. Hudson, Major Sharron Hudson, Major C. Joseph Murray, Major Florence Murray, Lt. Colonel Diane O’Brien, Major Calvin Prouty, Major Glenda Prouty.

Thirty-five years: Major Patricia Froderberg, Major Wayne C. Froderberg, Major Linda Gillies, Major Carla Hogan, Major Neal Hogan, Major Ann Patterson, Major Eddie Patterson.

Forty years: Lt. Colonel Jerry W. Gaines, Major Ralph E. Hood, Jr., Major Donna Jackson, Major William G. Nottle, Major Janet Summerfield.

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