Letters to the editor

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I read, “Who or What Is Your Goliath?” by Paul Curnow (January 30, 2004 New Frontier) with interest. He has some thought-provoking things to say. I believe you/we are our own Goliath when we let Satan create in us a spirit of fear. As far as lack of training, I believe we are pregnant with knowledge. When are we going to give birth?

We make it harder than it is. Keep it simple. If you are prompted to call someone, call them, now. If you know someone needs something, do what needs to be done, now. The world is full of hurting people who need the Lord in their lives. We are the only ones who can share God with them and we may be the only example of Christ they will ever see.

Audine Winslow
Scotts Mills, OR

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