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120 attend Northwest Music Camp

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STUDENTS AND STAFF attending the Northwest Division’s recent music camp march to the final festival.

The Northwest Division’s summer music camp incorporated the Back to the Future theme and the chorus, “Come On and Celebrate,” to support the teaching of 1 Peter 1:7-9: When Jesus wraps this all up, it’s your faith, not your gold, that God will have on display as evidence of this victory. You never saw him, yet you love him. You still don’t see him, yet you trust him ­ with laughter and singing. Because you kept on believing, you’ll get what you’re looking forward to: total salvation.
(The Message)

This year, 120 students chose from main studies in brass, vocal, dance, guitar and percussion, and from electives including timbrels, piano, visual arts, devotion in motion and creative arts.

“An excellent divisional and camp staff supported this well-balanced camp,” said Adult Christian Education and Music Ministries Coordinator Carl Darby.

Special guest was Chicago Staff Bandmaster, William Himes, who taught beginners through the camp staff band. He also shared the rationale behind his composition of All That I Am, which was spiritually enlightening. An effective presentation of Light of The World reinforced the camp’s theme.

Highlights of the final camp concert included Stephanie Orefice’s mastery of the piano solo Doxology, and the girls’ chorus’ singing of Look Up! which epitomized the purpose of the camp: to direct students Heavenward.

Listed below are this year’s Northwest Division music camp award winners. These students did not compete for awards, but as part of their music education, they were assessed on their overall camping participation, Salvationism, musical contribution, and Christian conduct/example.

The recipients are:

Timberlake Award: James Bartlett (Renton)

Honor Camper-Girl: Sara Torres (Yakima Temple)

Honor Camper-Boy: Andrew Sholin (Yakima)

William Booth Band: Katie Gundy (Tacoma)

Catherine Booth Chorus: Stephanie Orefice (Vancouver)

John Carleton Chorus: Jodianne Mulch (Everett)

George Marshall Band: Janice Mulch (Everett)

Dance: Tiffany Shrum (Vancouver)

Guitar: Rachel Wiese (Vancouver), Michael Ezirrsr (Puyallup)

Percussion: Jessica Longoria (Everett)

Richard Slater Band: Amanda Shearer (Olympia)

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