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YouthQuake 6.02 entertainers slated

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Touring the country as a part of the Youth Specialties Conferences are some of the top Christian bands. Typically, a lot of Salvationists attend these exciting events. Since the Sacramento, CA conference, I have had several people share with me how much they “loved the music and worship times.”

One such group is SUPERCHIC(K). You can imagine people’s excitement when I told them that it is one of the bands coming to YouthQuake 6.02.

Haven’t heard the music of Superchic(k)? You can hear them on MTV’s The Real World, ESPN’s Winter X Games, The WB Network’s Jack & Jill and featured in the film The Glass House. They also have been a featured band on the Festival Con Dios tour throughout the U.S. and will be touring extensively.

Superchic(k) brings an excitement that can’t be matched. From bright lights and high energy to powerful music, Superchic(k) will be ministering with us on June 14.

Another exciting event will be our opening concert with SALVADOR. How to describe the group? Try: dance, percussion, tight music, and ministry. Their Latin-infused pop sensibilities and youthful exuberance will simply take over and leave no foot in the house still.

Together, the best friends of Salvador have created something of a phenomenon. Taking the popular musical sounds they’ve loved (including a “Christian-music-only” house rule while growing up) and some of today’s hottest musical styles, Salvador brings the idea of vertical pop music to a whole new level.

“In Spanish ‘Salvador’ means simply, ‘Savior.’ At first we were thinking of ‘The Jalapeno Brothers’ or ‘The JuJus’ as a name,” laughs Nic Gonzalez, one of the band’s founding members, “but then we thought about how people always ask who you work for. This is a way for us to tell them. ‘Salvador’ is our God, and he’s the reason why we do what we do.”

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