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YouthQuake 6.02 – Adult track led by Tillsleys, Lescanos

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With a heart for young people and a desire to be where the action is, 1000 adults were on hand for YouthQuake’s adult track. Keynote speakers and special guests were Majors Mark and Sharon Tillsley, who serve as training principal and as director of special services for the Eastern Territory School for Officer Training. Also conducting Bible studies were Captains Lee and Michelle Lescano, corps officers at the Tustin Ranch Corps in Southern California.

Music was by Jordan Crossing, a group composed of two couples from South Carolina, whose mission is “to see souls saved and encourage people to cross their Jordan.”

Secretary for Program Lt. Colonel Raymond Peacock kicked off the keynote session, referencing Psalm 62:2: if we can teach our youth to depend on God in an unstable world, they “will never be shaken.”

Tillsley based his keynote address on Titus 1,2 and 3 ­ recruiting and training effective leaders. Healthy ministry requires healthy leaders, and Paul’s guidelines are still valid today. “Our corps are in desperate need of leaders,” Tillsley noted, and “a godly CSM or a couple of Home League women can revolutionize the corps and bring about a revival.”

The next morning, Captains Lescano covered Matthew 28:16-20, The Great Commission, emphasizing the importance of teaching God’s word and discipling young people.

Next, the Tillsleys spoke on 1 Corinthians 1: 1-31 and Ephesians 4: 1-32: “Unifying an Inter-Generational Congregation.” All have a part to play, Tillsley said, urging older members to stay engaged and younger ones “to display something radically different to the world-the love of Jesus.”

Finally, the Lescanos took “Spiritual Inventory” with 1 Thessalonians 5: 12-24; II Timothy 2: 14-26; 4: 1-8; and Hebrews 4: 1-13. God wants us to be examples and witnesses to our youth – to be “saints.”

Throughout, Jordan Crossing provided vibrant ministry through song and testimony, bringing us closer to God and reminding us, “he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus” (Phil. 1:6).

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