Youth seek new ‘destinations’

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Sierra del Mar young adults meet in San Diego for annual retreat.

 By Krystina Macias

Roughly 175 young adults from The Salvation Army’s Sierra del Mar Division recently met in San Diego for  “Destinations,” a weekend retreat.

“I was actually very curious what the weekend held,” first-time delegate Micah Graciani said. “All I knew was that we would be traveling around San Diego in some unknown form.”

Retreat leaders included Territorial Youth Secretaries Captains Roy and Paula Wild and Divisional Youth and Candidates’ Secretary Captain Lynn Stewart, along with special guest Rob Noland, director of Revolution Hawaii (RevHi).

At the opening meeting, Paula Wild spoke about the direction God led her when she was a young adult. A photo scavenger hunt followed, allowing delegates to meet new people.

“My favorite part of the weekend was the outreach that we did,” delegate Sabrina Shipp said. “It was a different thing for the young adult retreat and I feel like it went very well.”

The youth participated in service groups that included picking up trash, passing out water and helping fix up Salvation Army family stores.

A dinner cruise around the marina tied in the “Destinations” theme.

Captain Roy Wild ended the retreat with a challenge for the delegates to follow the destination in which the Lord is leading them.

“What I took from the weekend was that I need to trust that God already has a plan and a ‘destination’ for me,” Graciani said. “I just need to constantly look to him for guidance so that I may reach that destination.”

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