Yakima Dolls Raise World Service Dollars

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The 15th Annual Doll Show and Sale, sponsored by the Yakima Sunbeam and Guard Troops, the Yakima Doll Seekers, and the Friendship Doll Club, was held recently at The Salvation Army in Yakima, Wash.

This year, more than 375 attended and both Sunbeams and Guards reached their Self Denial goals for the year. More than 30 vendors purchased table space in the corps building which helps raise the needed funds not only for Self Denial, but for summer camp fees.

“This is a wonderful opportunity for our girls to be part of the Self Denial work, and to build lasting relationships with the ladies who sponsor the show,” said Major Martha Beaver, corps officer and chaplain of the Guard troop.

“They are able to be a part of an event that is not only popular with collectors but in raising needed money for Self Denial.”

The Sunbeams and Guards helped by working the admission table, serving coffee, juice and cookies throughout the day, and by selling lunch to the doll clubs and the public.

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