World Service dollars count

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Generous giving by soldiers and officers throughout the West has resulted in a total of $7,090,569 World Service dollars given to help those in need around the world.

In addition to World Service giving, additional funds—given above and beyond—were raised in numerous locations to meet specific needs.

Due to the success of the West’s Heart Connection, a new international program, Partners in Mission, will help meet needs in specific locations around the world.


Alaska 73,074
Cascade 388,359
Del Oro 398,588
Golden State 675,489
Hawaii 96,998
Intermountain 377,929
Northwest 540,263
Sierra Del Mar 283,535
Southern California 585,995
Southwest 658,339
SFOT 100,000
ARCC 1,062,000
THQ 1,850,000
TOTAL $7,090,569
Heart Connection goes international

Heart Connection goes international

Partners in Mission by Janice Buchanan, Lt

World Vision, SA assist in Limon floods

World Vision, SA assist in Limon floods

MAJOR ANGEL QUIROS gives donated clothing to a victim of the 2002 Limon flood

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