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camp | Caring Magazine

WMI youth camp

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In the beautiful hills of Southern California, the students and staff of WMI 2000 came together for music making and sharing in God’s word.

Public concerts were held throughout the 10 days at Camp Mt. Crags. Colonels Phil and Keitha Needham were guests for the first weekend. The Saturday Festival, “Fiesta” featured special guest International Staff Bandsman, Paul Graham, the WMI Band and Chorus, in music based on Latin American rhythms.

Tuesday’s Soloist Night was another inspirational experience. Twenty-three students were chosen to participate. The performances were the culmination of many hours of practice.

The Brass and Vocal Night on Wednesday featured all three bands, three choruses and the contemporary chorus. By mid-week, all the groups had reached a standard way beyond all expectations.

The Final Festival, which took place on the campus of Pepperdine University in Malibu,

Illustrated the hard work, practice and prayer that had been taking place the previous nine days.

The Sealed Orders focused around “The Essence of Time,” a work written by Peter Graham and based upon the third chapter of Ecclesiastes.

The words of this verse were brought to mind, as this year’s staff was missing two very special people to WMI. As The Chris Mallett Band played the “Call of the Righteous” and The Chris Buchanan Chorus sang “We Are More Than Conquerors,” one could not help but be reminded of these two Godly men and their impact on so many.

Vocal selections ranged from the hand clapping “I Feel Like Praisin’ Him” by the Contemporary Chorus to the prayerful “Close to Me” by the Vocal School. Included in the festival were solos by Paul Graham (Rhapsody for Trombone and Band) and David Dunford (Finale from Concerto No. 2). The Final Festival culminated with the students and staff of WMI 2000 singing “The Essence of Time” with words written by Major Diane O’Brien and music by Ivor Bosanko.

WMI Band and Chorus pins were presented during the Festival program to the following students:

Cornet-David Hall and Richey Opina; Horn-Amber Sullins; Baritone-Thor Ferguson; Trombone-Laura Sparks; Euphonium-Christian Acheson, Chris Wikle; Soprano-Hilary Sholin; Alto-Joy Lee; Bass-Sean O’Brien.

Every year the Crestmont Award is presented to a corps within the Western Territory who sends three or more delegates to WMI, with at least two being instrumentalists, and the delegation earns the highest average in all areas of the camp program. Garnering the most points this year were the students representing the San Diego Citadel.The second place winners were Tustin Ranch and Torrance and Phoenix Citadel tied for third.

The Stillwell Award is given to the student who, in the opinion of the faculty, is outstanding in musicianship, deportment, grades and typifies the spirit of Christianity and Salvationism. The award is given each year by the Stillwell family, who have set an example as Salvation Army musicians of the highest standards for over 100 years and are models for WMI students to emulate. Chris Wikle from Tustin Ranch was the recipient for 2000.

Although the students and staff are only together for a short time, the friendships that develop and decisions that are made have a lasting impact.

CD’s and tapes from WMI 2000 are available for purchase. Please contact the Territorial Music Department to order.

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