Western Women Attend National Christian Conference

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Ten women from the Western Territory attended the recent 1997 National Christian Women’s Conference, held in Denver Colo.

Four of the 10 delegates were winners of the 1996 Territorial Women’s Ministries contest, “People Count:” Claudia Carrion, Los Angeles Central Corps, and her corps officer, Capt. Elizabeth Delgado, Esther Juan, Kahului, and her corps officer, Major Bernadita Begonia.

“The excellent worship music, concerts, workshops, and special guests made the weekend a memorable experience,” said Captain Mariam Rudd, assistant secretary, Women’s Ministries.

More than 800 women attended the conference, which featured a series of workshops targeted to the needs of today’s Christian women, and highlighted the ministry of special guests comedian Chonda Pierce (a protege of comedian Minnie Pearl) and nationally acclaimed speaker/author Liz Curtis Higgs.

“We ended our time Saturday morning with the stimulating music of recording artist Damaris Carbaugh,” said Rudd. “We sensed we were in the presence of Jesus.”

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