West to assist trafficking victims

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Reflecting The Salvation Army’s commitment internationally to combat the evil of human trafficking, the Western Territory has been awarded a grant from the Office for Victims of Crime, U.S. Dept. of Justice, to develop a program of immediate assistance to victims of trafficking.

The $500,000 grant will fund the project for 18 months. “This gives us an opportunity to step into a leadership role in providing services in this emerging field and will allow us to test whether this area of service is or is not a good fit for us,” said Lt. Colonel Donald Bell, chief secretary.

The award will establish the Western Region of the Network for Emergency Trafficking Services (NETS). The Southern Region of NETS is coordinated by World Relief Corp. (WRC) and was developed in conjunction with national headquarters.

The program is composed of:
Emergency Response—the Army has agreed to serve as the primary referral agency to find services for foreign trafficking victims identified in the Western Territory (except in Washington, Oregon, Hawaii, and the major urban centers of San Diego, Los Angeles, and San Francisco.)
Comprehensive Service Sites (“Target Sites”)—Comprehensive, proactive, collaborative programs will be established in four target sites. There, the Army will work closely with government and private agencies to raise public awareness, train designated professionals, and prepare to provide services to victims of human trafficking.

Increased TSA Coordination—A territorial anti-trafficking council will be called to provide for better communication and coordination of our efforts and will have representation from each division and the four target sites.

Adam Freer, formerly on the staff at national headquarters, will be the territorial coordinator.

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