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West honors 9/11 victims, volunteers

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On the first anniversary of Sept. 11, The Salvation Army joined other organizations in remembering those we lost in the attack on America and in honoring those who volunteered to assist in relief efforts.

In the Western Territory, many corps held Remembrance Day services, with those who volunteered at ground zero speaking of their experiences.

The Southern California Division’s Salvation Army Children’s Choir sang at a children’s service at Forest Lawn in Hollywood Hills–“Remembering the Past, Looking to the Future.”

In San Francisco’s Union Square, The Salvation Army held an evening of sharing and quiet reflection, while Intermountain Salvationists participated in services held in Colorado Springs’ Memorial Park. An Army brass band played at the two-hour open-air event and the Army provided meals from its mobile canteen to the 1,500 people who attended.

In the Southwest Division, Colonel Esther Sather sang the Lord’s Prayer live on TV, and children from the South Mountain Preschool, along with Capt. Bill Dickinson, appeared in a United Way commercial. Phoenix aired a PSA featuring local Army programs, focussing on the good things agencies are doing in local communities.

Events began early in the Cascade Division with a 5:30 a.m. moment of impact ceremony in the heart of Portland. An Army canteen was there and doughnuts were distributed. Events continued into the evening. At the noon interfaith service in Pioneer Courthouse Square, the Army’s brass band performed just before the mayor spoke.

In London, The Salvation Army was recognized in an internationally televised service at St. Paul’s Cathedral.

General John Gowans and Commissioner Gisèle Gowans were present; Commissioner Gowans co-led the responsive prayer. The invited audience of 2,000 included HRH Prince Charles, the Prince of Wales, and U.S. Ambassador William S. Farish.

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