West Announces Generous International Gifts

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$6.46 Million Given for Army World Service Effort

Responding to General Paul A. Rader’s charge to the new lieutenants at Sunday night’s Service of Appointment, Commissioner Peter H. Chang affirmed the desire of Salvationists to carry the Gospel to the world.

In doing so, he asked Rader to step forward and receive three separate contributions from the Western Territory for the Army’s world relief effort.

“General, the Salvationists of the West want you to know we support you and Mrs. Rader as you lead the Army around the world to greater achievements for the Lord. We are with you, and know that God is directing the Army to redouble its efforts in many places. We want to help.”

He then presented Rader with the Western Territory’s 1997 World Services contribution in the amount of a check for $6,180,000, as Salvationists voiced their approval through thunderous applause.

Next, he addressed the plight of the hungry people in North Korea. “I am assured by the Korea Territorial Commander, Colonel Lee, Sung-duk, that the Army is helping relieve that suffering, and we want to assist in that effort as well. So, I am pleased to present you with this additional check for North Korea famine relief in the amount of $80,000.”

Finally, he presented a third check, in the amount of $200,000, for the General’s Discretionary Fund. “As our international leader, you travel the world, and, along with the victories, you witness the tragedies and the hardships of others. You see many situations in which the Army, if it had the resources, could be helpful. That is why, for use at your discretion in support of the worldwide ministry of the Army, I present you this check. It brings out total contribution this evening to $6,460,000.

“The Western Territory is making an incomparable contribution to the expanding mission of The Salvation Army around the world,” stated Rader. “This is not only a wonderfully generous gift of funds, but also of quality personnel, making their march in the Army’s mission in many lands.”

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