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Seeing the future and making it NOW!

We will know that “VISION 2000 & BEYOND” is being fulfilled and we are becoming a church that is Biblically authentic in motive and mission when we see that officers, soldiers, adherents and volunteers all across the territory are…

  • Committing to Christ, to Christian growth and to the mission of The Salvation Army Outcome of this commitment will be firm decisions made for Christ, membership growth and successful cultivation of committed leaders–lay, officer and candidates for officership.
  • Communing with God through worship, prayer and Bible studies. This increasing hunger for the good things of God is being reflected in growing numbers of people participating in dynamic worship services, intensive Bible studies and passionate prayer sessions.
  • Supporting the worldwide mission of the Army. Faith-based missionary giving goals are set and met by the local units, overseas prayer chains are vitally linked, and offices and lay people are entering full-time service in missions here and abroad.

We will know that ‘VISION 2000 & BEYOND” is being fulfilled and we ARE  becoming a church that is a relevant and vibrant expression of Christianity, committed to excellence in ministry, when we see that…

  • The timeless message of the gospel is being presented all across the territory in ways that reflect its unfading relevance to every generation. The outcome of this is being seen in the growing numbers of people of all ages coming to Christ and finding Christian fellowship and fulfillment through the Army.
  • At every level we are constantly researching, testing, refining and using more effective ways of accomplishing our mission. Corps Councils are regularly evaluating their overall corps programming, eliminating unfruitful programs and developing with new ministry initiatives.
  • Our commitment to ministry is being demonstrated and fulfilled through a comprehensive, life-long, learning process. People are identifying, cultivating and using their gifts in Christian service. The percentage of the congregation actively involved in personal ministry is increasing. Opportunities for further ministry and leadership training are available. Concerted efforts are being made to place and empower officers, local leaders and soldiers in settings matching their gifts, passion and ability.

We will know that “VISION 2000 & BEYOND” is being fulfilled and we ARE becoming a church that is culturally diverse in methods and ministry when we see that…

  • Across the territory the ministry of the Army is being sensitively and competently extended to people of every generation, race and culture. Army ministries increasingly reflect the diversity of communities served.
  • While enjoying and valuing our cultural diversity, our people are becoming one in the family of God. Celebrative events, fellowship gatherings and spiritual efforts bring together the various cultures served. There is growth in the number of both multi-cultural and culture-specific corps.
  • Our desire to minister effectively to people of all cultures is reflected in placement of leaders, in celebration of different worship styles, and in effective and inclusive communication. As a result, leadership at all levels reflects our cultural diversity and the training of leaders in cultural competence.
  • Literature and music published supports cultural diversity in worship. The pursuit of more effective means of communication to all cultural groups served is maintained as a high priority.

We will know that “VISION 2000 & BEYOND” is being fulfilled and we ARE truly becoming a church that is compassionately active in serving humanity when we see that…

  • Our ministry in every community is addressing people in every dimension of their lives, and there is ready and free movement between our community service activities and our worship life. The natural outcomes of this are reflected in the number of people involved in our social services programs attending corps. Our soldiers are finding opportunities for personal ministry through our social services programs.
  • We are in the forefront of community activity in identifying and responding to needs. This is becoming evident in the number of new initiatives started, in partnering with churches and other organizations, in the growing number of people served, and in the employment of competent social services personnel. Community needs assessments are regularly carried out.
  • We are known to all as a “community of compassion,” demonstrating a love for each other and for all of God’s creation. This will be reflected in the numbers of people “hitting” our ministry-related web-sites, in the number of volunteers involved in social services, and in the number of dollars donated. In every community the Army is investing significant resources in community ministries

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