Three more appointed to ICO

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The following officers have been appointed to the next three sessions of the International College for Officers: Major Eunice Lucas, Phoenix ARC–166th Session, July 19–September 11, 2000; Major Robin Hu, San Francisco Chinatown, 167th Session, October 11–December 4, 2000; and Captain Ron Toy, San Francisco Asian American Corps–168th Session, January 17–March 12, 2001.

Each year, approximately 100 officers from around the Army world–all of whom have a minimum of 10 years of service and are 53 or younger–attend the College. Four eight-week sessions are held on the campus, located six miles from the heart of London.

Held under the leadership of Colonel Brian Tuck, principal, a panel of lecturers headed by the General and the Chief of the Staff includes officers and soldiers who are experts in various fields.

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