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‘The Sal’ rocks the block in Portland

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On any given Saturday, the parking lot of the Moore Street Community and Worship Center in Portland, Ore., is full…parents dropping off their kids for Blazer Biddy Ball games, youth riding their bikes in to swim or play in the game room.

It’s always alive with activity. But on a recent Saturday, the parking lot was full for another reason–the first Sal bslock party was under way!

Moore Street, or to the people in the community, “The Sal,” planned this party to launch all of the fall programs and re-open the gymnasium after having the floor re-finished. Games, food, fun and fellowship were the order of the day for all who participated. Free tours of the Bright Beginnings Child Care Center and the Intel Computer Clubhouse were given to all who were interested, and live performers kept everyone entertained.

“We had an amazing turn-out,” said Corps Officer Captain Rob Birks. “It’s great to see how much this community loves and appreciates Moore Street.”

The Moore Street Center serves just less than 90,000 adults and youth a year with programs ranging from childcare for ages six-weeks to six years all the way up to senior exercise programs in the pool. The gymnasium houses over a dozen leagues a year for youth and adults.

The corps has spiritual programs for adults and youth alike and has an average weekly attendance of eighty to one hundred people.

“It’s a very unique situation” said Birks. “We are able to help many people in a variety of ways. It’s an amazing thing God does to us and through us.”

The over 300 visitors to the celebration enjoyed hot dogs, cotton candy, popcorn and soda, as well as one day only discounts for memberships to both the community and child care centers. Game booths provided tickets that youth could turn in for prizes, and the pool, gymnasium and game room were open to all.

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