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The day has come!" | Caring Magazine

“The night is over. The day has come!”

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YouthQuake Preparedness

No more time to wish, wonder or wail, if you’re registered for YouthQuake 6.02–the greatest Youth Congress in the history of the West–the hour has finally come!

“The wait is almost over,” says Major Steve Bradley, Congress coordinator. “All of the registration forms have been received and processed. After months of planning, programming and prayer, it’s nearly time to be a part of a spiritual experience like nothing anyone has ever seen before. It will be an epic event calling out the youth of our territory to take their stand on the hard-core, solid rock, immovable epicenter of life–Jesus Christ!”

The hits just keep on comin’!

In addition to all the outstanding Congress session leaders and speakers, Christian music groups, praise and worship bands, and fellowship activities, the EpiCenter Hall will offer delegates opportunities to visit exhibit booths and take part in the Extreme Games.

Some 40,000 square feet of the Long Beach Convention Center exhibit hall floor will be set-up for youth delegates to play a wide variety of games including: a skateboard park, a 24-foot rock-climbing wall, a human foosball game, orbitrons, a large slide, laser-tag arena, several non-violent arcade video games, and even a karaoke room!

A recent addition to headliner YouthQuake 6.02 participants is the hip-hop/rap dance and singing of Steps of Praise during the Saturday morning youth session. Adrian Ewings heads up this crew of Gospel steppers that have been seen and heard on both televised presentations of the Grammy Awards and the Stellar Awards. Steps of Praise is a group of 30 young people from the streets of San Diego who, in their leader’s words, “have sold out to Christ.” Their mission: to bring the spirit of celebration back to the church through the expression of singing and dance.

Sunday Commissioning, Ordination & Appointments meeting

It is important to note that, while tickets for the Sunday afternoon Commissioning, Ordination and Appointments meeting, and the Monday Officers’ Councils are free, persons planning to attend these meetings must have pre-registered for YouthQuake 6.02. Of equal note, there will be open seating for the Sunday afternoon Commissioning meeting, with the Terrace Theatre doors to be opened to those with tickets at 2:15 p.m.

KidsQuake and Childcare ALERT!

Although childcare will be provided during regular scheduled Congress meetings for children six weeks to 6 years of age, and for KidsQuake delegates, ages 7-13, both childcare and KidsQuake delegates must be pre-registered for the Congress.

Special note to parents: There will not be any room for drop-ins. If you have not pre-registered ahead of time on the official registration form, you will need to make other arrangements for your children’s care during the Congress events. At the risk of overdoing it: unregistered children will not be permitted into childcare.

Pray now!

Whether you’re already registered for YouthQuake 6.02, or won’t be able to join us at all–everyone’s invited to partner with us in prayer that the Holy Spirit will send out shockwaves of spiritual power to rock our world into a life-transforming relationship with Christ, the epicenter of our faith!

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