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Thanksgiving Shares Turkey With Thousands Throughout West at Salvation Army Sites

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“Above all else, we will
be people who care …”

LOS ANGELES–Thanksgiving was a time of truly giving thanks.

Above all else, we will be people who care…”The Salvation Army of Phoenix, Ariz., served up a traditional dinner to more than 2,500 hungry and homeless at the Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza. Once again, former Vice-President Dan Quayle, his wife Marilyn (a member of our National Advis-ory Board), and their daughter Corrine volunteered at the event.

Truly a community effort, the dinner featured centerpieces from Tip Top Nurseries; Coldstone Creamery supplied homemade pumpkin ice cream; all potatoes were from Sage and San Potato Company, and there was coffee from Starbucks. Twelve hundred elderly and homebound were not forgotten, with meals home-delivered.

In Portland, Ore., more than 400 were served Thanksgiving dinner at the Harbor Light Center. “I believe the most important things that are served at our holiday meals are the smiles and the caring spirit given by the volunteers,” said Major Neal Hogan. “It gives people who come to Harbor Light a chance to see that our community cares.”

In Honolulu, Hawaii, more than 150 local companies donated food, paper goods, and flowers to serve 2,500 of Hawaii’s needy, elderly, and homeless at this year’s Thanks-giving dinner. The use of the Blaisdell Center was donated through the office of the Mayor. In addition, there was non-stop entertainment from 9:00 a.m. through 12:45 p.m.

At San Francisco Harbor Light Center, 100 whole turkeys were ready for carving by ex-butcher Ernie Marx, 15 city fire fighters and 13 U.S. Coast Guards-men. In addition, 300 volunteers delivered 3,000 dinners to the homebound.

More than 2,000 homeless dinner guests enjoyed more than a Thanksgiving feast in San Diego. There was also entertainment provided by the Army’s big holiday band and children’s chorus under the direction of 19-year-old Mike Opina. Once again, the meal was prepared by Master Chef Willie De Pascuale and his team from the U.S. Grant Hotel.

For Major Donald C. Bell, divisional commander, watching the 400 volunteers in Golden Hall was an inspiring sight, and a demonstration of concern performed not just during the holidays, but every day of the year in the Army’s 26 programs.

It was a festive Thanksgiving Eve for 2,500 of the city’s homeless and low-income families as they gathered for a holiday dinner, served at the Los Angeles Convention Center. For a second year, Mayor Richard Riordan, members of the Radio City Rockettes, celebrities including actress Joan Van Ark and Louise Sorel joined 300 volunteers in serving. “The Salvation Army exists to serve people in need. Thanks to the assistance of so many, our second annual Thanksgiving Eve dinner was an fantastic event,” said Lt. Colonel Alfred R. Van Cleef, divisional commander.

The Colorado Springs Corps served 4,179 meals at Thanksgiving community holiday dinners, where more than 700 volunteers served meals at four sites.

Meals were delivered to 340 shut-ins, convenience store workers, firemen and women, and corner flower sellers. Several were able to call a friend or relative for the first time in years, thanks to the donated use of AT&T cell phones at each dinner site.

Fort Carson soldiers worked around the clock for three days preparing more than 300 turkeys, 30 cases of green beans and tons of mashed potatoes.

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