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Commissioner Hodder

TC’s Daily COVID-19 Updates: Day 1

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The USA Western Territorial Commander, Commissioner Kenneth G. Hodder, held a teleconference meeting on March 16 with members of the Territorial Executive Council (TEC) regarding The Salvation Army’s response to COVID-19. 

“I remain convinced that there is no other organization that is capable of addressing the broad variety of human needs that have emerged as a result of this crisis,” Hodder said.  “The Salvation Army has the personnel, we have the infrastructure, we have the credibility, and above all, we have the mission. Our calling to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ and meet human needs in His name without discrimination positions us, and in fact requires us to play a unique part in addressing this situation.”

Monday’s meeting was the first of five meetings that will take place at 8 a.m. each day with all command heads. 

The first meeting covered general outlines from Territorial Headquarters about how to proceed in the rapidly evolving situation surrounding COVID-19.  Leaders discussed the latest updates from the CDC and then went on to articulate steps that The Salvation Army in the West will take in response to COVID-19.  These included the following:

  1. The USA Western Territory will abide by the most recent guidance from the CDC on gatherings of 50 people or more.  Consequently, in most Salvation Army facilities, Sunday worship may be curtailed or placed entirely online.
  2. Effective immediately, all officers in the Territory are appointed to Emergency/Disaster service.  The Chief Secretary will take the lead as Incident Commander. In addition, all officers should consider themselves to be part of their respective divisional or command development departments.
  3. All Salvation Army units are to contact their respective government authorities and indicate that all Salvation Army facilities are available for use as quarantine centers, housing for medically fragile individuals, food distribution locations, coronavirus testing, and any other services as needed.
  4. Effective immediately, all officers are to be in Salvation Army uniform whenever they leave their quarters, regardless of the purpose.  The Army must be readily available to all of the communities in which it serves.
  5. Effective immediately, the regular curriculum at the College for Officer Training is suspended, and all cadets will serve on Emergency/Disaster service in the California South Division.
  6. TradeWest will make inspirational written materials available free of charge to any unit requesting them for distribution in their areas.
  7. The Secretary for Spiritual Life Development will coordinate the creation and distribution of worship ideas and resources to maximize the Army’s spiritual ministry under the current circumstances.
  8. The Crestmont Campus Administrator will be responsible for ensuring that the campus is in full compliance with all CDC recommendations.
  9. Above all, every Salvation Army unit and officer will be personally responsible for conveying the message that the Army is hard at work feeding the hungry, housing the homeless, assisting families in need, supporting the elderly, and giving comfort to all who feel isolated, concerned and fearful. “This is precisely the kind of moment for which the Army was raised up by God,” said Hodder. “We will live up to our legacy and our calling.”
  10. The motto for the Army’s service in this crisis will be a simple one:  “Keep Calm, and Do the Mission.”

In concluding the meeting, Commissioner Hodder reminded all present that “In addition to all those who we serve on a regular basis, there are many who never anticipated needing our help.  We will be there for them.” 



  • If you’d like to make a monetary donation, please click here to make a gift.
  • Text ‘GIVE’ to 52000 to make a $10 donation to The Salvation Army. This will automatically add a one-time donation to your next mobile phone bill.
  • For information about volunteering, please visit volunteer.usawest.org.
  • To learn more about how to support The Salvation Army’s relief efforts, please click here.

Comments 6

  1. Keep Calm, and Do the Mission. love this. will adopt this in my personal life as well and in my work for TSA.

  2. Keep Calm, and Do the Mission. love this. will adopt this in my personal life as well and in my work for TSA.

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