Supplies & Purchasing relocates to Crestmont

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“We’re back home,” says Major Douglas Peacock, Supplies & Purchasing secretary. After more than seven years at Lomita Annex, the Supplies & Purchasing department is now located in the building originally designed for it at the Crestmont campus.

Though still part of territorial headquarters, Peacock is pleased that the new facility is now more accessible to conference attendees and Salvationists as well as cadets and staff of Crestmont College.

Having several years’ experience in the department, he has had time to assess needs and make changes afforded by the new location. One important space saver is the gliding shelving that replaces several regular metal units. He points out a safety feature that automatically stops movement if someone is already in one of the aisles.

There is now room to hang all uniforms on the expanded moving rack, instead of letting them gather creases in boxes on the shelf. Some walls built for the departments formerly occupying the building are retained, allowing like items to be grouped better and affording concentration for staff.

The Trade welcomes business in person from 9 to 5 on weekdays and by phone 800/937-8896 or 310/265-6290; fax 310/265-6554; and Lotus notes:

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