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SoCal Celebration held at Crestmont

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Divisional gathering featured a wide variety of events.


The Crestmont campus took on a festival atmosphere recently as the Southern California division celebrated being part of God’s family.

Over 1,200 people gathered on the grounds of the college for officer training on Saturday, April 29 to celebrate being a part of God’s family in The Salvation Army Southern California Division. The festive atmosphere offered attendees the chance to take part in many events including soccer and basketball tournaments, Bible Bowl competition, and a mini-SAY rally with both a uniform competition and a pledge recitation competition for the Sunbeams, Girl Guards and Adventure Corps. The main lawn of Crestmont was transformed into the main stage where various performing groups sang and danced their praises to the Lord while people milled around the food court and informational booths along the perimeter.

At 12:30 the stage became the center of attention for the divisional World Services Ingathering. During the meeting checks totaling $611,391 were presented to Divisional Commander Major Paul Seiler from the corps and programs in the division. Additionally, the results of the morning’s various competitions were announced. Bible Bowl team Captain Jennifer Zelinski and the team from the Santa Monica Corps were excited to accept the Divisional Bible Bowl Championship title and will go on to compete at the territorial level during Commissioning weekend.

Trophies were awarded to the Crestmont Sunbeam troop, Pomona Girl Guard troop, and Pomona Adventure Corps troop for first place in the uniform-wearing competition and to the Santa Fe Springs Sunbeam troop, Pomona and Ventura Girl Guard troops, and Ventura Adventure Corps troop for first place in the pledge recitation competition.
The afternoon saw the continuation of the soccer and basketball tournaments, the opening of a children’s play area and continued fellowship among all present. “I am amazed at the number of people,” said event coordinator Major Steve Smith as he looked around; “last year, [the inaugural year for this event] we had 900. I never expected to increase that number.”

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