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Sharing God’s love in a small corner of Alaska

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Doing the Most Good- Alaska

Mission teams provide practical help for Cordova Outpost.


Peacefully nestled at the head of Orca Inlet in Prince William Sound is the beautiful community of Cordova, Alaska…home to the Alaska Division’s only outpost. Here, Lt. Ann Ward and her small congregation and supporters faithfully minister to the community from their one room chapel. Whether individuals shop in the thrift store, seek assistance from the family services office or participate in activities at the corps, a warm welcome awaits them.

The Cordova Outpost has been blessed by the support of several mission teams recently. The youth group from Rockford (Illinois) Temple Corps ministered in Cordova on their very first mission trip in 2004. While there, they planned and led vacation Bible school, shared in ministry with several other local churches and participated in a cultural exchange evening complete with Native Alaskan food, dancing and Native games. Their visit led to the formation of the Cordova Outpost Awana Club, which grew to nearly 90 children as part of a community-wide effort.

This summer the Tustin Ranch Corps Mission Team helped with many projects to spruce up the Army’s facilities, including the Red Shield Inn—two rooms located above the corps that offer visitor accommodations at
an affordable rate.

Plans are underway for the Chicago Norridge Corps and a Methodist mission team from St. Louis to travel to Cordova next summer; they will hold open air meetings, lead vacation Bible school and youth outreach ministry as well as learn about the Alaska Native culture during the cultural exchange activities planned.

God continues to bless Ward and the Cordova Outpost as they share the good news of God’s love in their small corner of Alaska.

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