San Francisco Lions Club Gives Sight to Harbor Light

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If you wear corrective lenses to have 20/20 vision, you know what it’s like not to have glasses–your world becomes a blur, full of distorted images, and you can’t see many things that others take for granted: stop signs at the strreet corner when you’re driving, the stars at night, and the sparrows as they sing in the morning.

The Harbor Light Center recently gave tribute to members of the South of Market Lion’s Club for their selfless help to the Harbor Light residents in providing quality eye care.

Over a four year period from 1993 to 1997, the Lion’s Club raised more than $7,000 toward eye examinations and new eyeglasses for over 50 indigent men and women. Without the help of the Lions, these persons would be without the gift of clear sight. Many, many thanks to the Lion’s Club!

Unfortunately, due to a decline in membership, the South of Market Lion’s Club was phased out early this year. The Harbor Light Center is currently without the aid of any Lion’s Club to help men and women receive quality eye examinations and glasses. If you know of any club, organization, or community group that would like to assist our residents, please contact Major Vickie Shiroma at (415) 864-4101.

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