Salvation Army Drops Toys on St. George

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Alaska Division

By Mike Schmickrath –

The First Lady of Alaska, Susan Knowles, joined The Salvation Army Operation Santa Claus team as they delivered toys on St. George, a small village on one of the Pribilof Islands.

Located 750 miles west of Anchorage, the island has an estimated population of only 138, including 53 school-age children.

Santa, Mrs. Claus, and Salvation Army volunteers made the trip aboard a Cl30H aircraft, spreading joy and happiness to children, elders and village officials who gathered at the local school.

“The spirit of giving is really what the Christmas season is all about,” said Sherry Valentine, chair of the Operation Santa Claus Resource Committee, “and that’s why we’re trying to bring this important program to as many village children as we can during the holidays.”

This year, Operation Santa Claus will serve not only St. George, but will travel to Gamble, on St. Lawrence Island, and Togiak. St. George was claimed and named by Russia in 1787, and is the breeding ground for the Pacific fur seal.

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