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Salvation Army Celebrity Fashion Show and Boutique in Hawaii

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Hawaii fashion show benefits Army

Annual event provides both fashion about Army programs.

by Daniel de Castro –

For the last 20 years, the Honolulu Women’s Auxiliary has been putting together one of the most unique and anticipated fashion shows in Hawai‘i. Held in early May, this year’s Salvation Army Celebrity Fashion Show and Boutique was no exception, with proceeds totaling more than $24,000.
The event boasts the best bargains in women’s apparel, jewelry, shoes, bags, accessories and other collectibles. All items for sale are donated to the Salvation Army thrift stores and specially selected for the show. The items may be “gently used” but this does not deter hundreds of women who year after year eagerly wait for the doors to open to start sorting through the remarkable finds.
Another big draw are the models, who are mainly well-known local media personalities, including TV news anchors, reporters, pageant titleholders, entertainers and other notable celebrities. “It’s so wonderful to see all our television news personalities setting aside competition and having such a fun time working together to help a great charitable event,” said Betty Lou Nobriga, chair of the auxiliary’s fashion show committee. The event typically gets TV coverage on all stations as they highlight their own news staff.
Along with the fun glitz and glamour, the fashion show also provides an opportunity for the Army to educate the public about its programs. A male and female client from the Adult Rehabilitation Center and Family Treatment Services respectively, walked the runway while their life story was narrated. There was hardly a dry eye in the audience as each client’s story of lifelong drug addiction ended with a new hope for recovery through the help of the rehabilitation and treatment programs of the Army.
There aren’t many events where everyone leaves with heaps of the most incredible bargains in town and a happy heart, knowing that their shopping dollars will help pave the way to someone’s road to recovery.

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