Sacramento Citadel Welcomes Drakes

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Majors Drake
Majors David and Olive Drake

Sacramento Citadel Corps extended a warm welcome to Majors David and Olive Drake, newly appointed city coordinator and corps officer, as they were inducted by Divisional Commander Lt. Colonel Charles Strickland.

Having served as corps officers of the Regent Hall Corps in London for the past six years, the Drakes now begin service in the United States. They have served in various appointments in England, Isle of Man, and Harare, Zimbabwe.

The Drakes and more than 80 guests also enjoyed a relaxing time of fellowship at a dinner hosted by CSM Gordon Damant. Laughter filled the room as the Drakes shared their life stories. “We met while playing in the band at the Hayes Corps in London, and love blossomed in the tenor section,” shared Major Olive Drake.

Though enthusiastic about their new appointment, it will be some time before the Majors adjust to the differences between the two countries. “I drive on the right side of the street most of the time–I think I’ll be all right,” said Major David Drake.

Nevertheless, they remain strong in their faith and committed to serving God wherever he ordains. Drake stated,

“I have been entrusted with a very special and sacred service which is dedicated both to God and Sacramento, and feel both challenged and inspired by the excellence and variety of programs which The Salvation Army operates in our community. It’s a credit to all those who have been involved in its establishment and maintenance, and it is my hope that I might be able to build to ensure the furtherance and growth of this fine expression which exemplifies the true spirit of The Salvation Army.”

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