courtesy of the USA Western Territory.
Russia/CIS cadets, once a “mismatched” group, now are truly “uniform” because of a donation from the Western Territory.
Major Harry Brocksieck, principal of the Russia/CIS Institute for Officers Training, writes, “We thought you might enjoy a picture of the cadets in their new uniforms. They are a sharp looking bunch–now! They were so excited to get uniforms that matched both top and bottom and with each other.
“The Moldovian Quartet wore theirs in England when they sang at the General’s meetings in London and York, and I am sure the new uniforms helped them feel better about themselves as they sang to the glory of God. Not everyone found a uniform that fit, but we had some great seamstresses who were able to make alterations, and I think we ended up with about 75 percent finding what they needed.”
Salvation Army work in Russia/CIS began soon after the collapse of Communism. In spite of recent regulations barring from Russia religious groups registered for less than 15 years, meetings are still being held and social work is expanding. In some areas there are hopes for re-registration.
Anticipating problems with the government, The Salvation Army had already moved the Institute for Officers Training to Helsinki when the regulation was imposed. Captains Mark and Jennifer Fagerstrom, Western officers, moved to Helsinki with the School in June 1997, and are now assigned to the Russia/CIS Command Headquarters in Moscow.
The Cadets in the Russia Comman never wore used or mismatched uniforms. In fact that holds true too for the more than 400 soldiers enrolled by General Eva Burrows and me during our appointment there.
Many ion the WT officers who served or visited the Army in the CIS will confirm that fact.
Sven and Kathie Ljungholm
The Cadets in the Russia Comman never wore used or mismatched uniforms. In fact that holds true too for the more than 400 soldiers enrolled by General Eva Burrows and me during our appointment there.
Many ion the WT officers who served or visited the Army in the CIS will confirm that fact.
Sven and Kathie Ljungholm