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Reinemund Admitted to Distinguished Service Order

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DISTINGUISHED–Steven S Reinemund (r), outgoing National Advisory Board chair and president of Frito-Lay, is admitted to the Order of Distinguished Auxiliary Service by General Paul A. Rader during Friday’s plenary session.

From the stage of the Pasadena Civic Auditorium, outgoing National Advisory Board chair Steven S Reinemund, president of Frito-Lay, opened the (fourth) quadrennial National Advisory Organizations Conference and urged the delegates to “work to make a difference in their communities.”

The Army’s National Commander in the United States, Commissioner Robert A. Watson, then announced a surprise, unscheduled event. General Paul A. Rader, the Army’s international leader, then stepped to the microphone and stated: “It is within the authority of a General of The Salvation Army to admit a select few to only two honored Orders of the organization. One, the Order of the Founder, is reserved for officers and soldiers.

“The other is used to recognize the important contributions of individuals in service to the Army and service to others. This is called the Order of Distin-guished Auxiliary Service.” Then, speaking to Reinemund, he stated: “You have demonstrated the power to match competence and character by linking the quality of your faith to the excellence of your leadership. We owe you a tremendous debt of gratitude.”

The national commander then pinned the Order’s medal on Reinemund’s lapel, and Rader handed him the commemorative plaque. Reinemund, obviously surprised, responded with great humility: “I’ve received so much more from The Salvation Army than I could ever repay. I appreciate this so much but it is undeserved.”

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