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Promoted to Glory

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Promoted to Glory


Brigadier Antonio (Tony) Alquiza, 94, was promoted to Glory on August 17 from the Castle Hospital in Kailua, Hawaii.

Antonio Alquiza was born April 10, 1912 in the Philippines and became a naturalized citizen in 1954. He was introduced to The Salvation Army while working in the plantation camps in Hawaii. He began attending the Hilo #1 corps and in 1931 entered the training college in San Francisco, Calif. He was commissioned in 1932 in the Fight It Through Session.

Tony’s first corps assignment was to Hakalau, Hawaii. Other appointments followed at Hilo #1, Lihue, Honolulu Boys Home, Ewa Mills and Honokaa. In 1937 Captain Alquiza served on the training school staff in Honolulu. Following eight months on the staff he was assigned to the Koloa, Kauai corps. Other appointments were Waimea, Kaunakakai, Molakai and Hakalau.

Tony married Lieutenant Sally Ko in 1941, and together they served as corps officers in Ewa, Oahu, Lahaina, Hilo, Hanapepe, Aiea, Honolulu Citadel, Lihue, Hilo Temple and at the Honolulu Boys’ Home. They opened the work in Hanapepe in 1949. In June 1966, the Alquizas were appointed to Chula Vista, Calif., where they opened a new corps building. The concluding years of their service were given at the Los Angeles Congress Hall Corps and the Los Angeles Silvercrest Senior Residence. They retired in 1977. Sally was promoted to Glory in 1990.

Brigadier Alquiza’s hobby was his garden. In the early years of retirement their house was known in the neighborhood as the house with all the flowers in the front yard and the fruits and vegetables in the backyard. The garden became a witness tool, as they invited neighbors in to see the garden and develop friendships.

Survivors include his four children: Mrs. Ann (Bruce) Dunford, Richard (Judy) Alquiza, Pearl (Michael) Fleck and Tony (Diana) Alquiza, ten grandchildren and four great-grandchildren.
A memorial service was held at the Mililani Makai Chapel, Waipahu, Hawaii, with Major Richard Taba officiating and music by grandson, David Dunford, and daughter, Mrs. Pearl Fleck.

Sr. Major Georgina Panter

Sr. Major Georgina Panter was promoted to Glory on September 6, 2006 at 100 years of age.

Georgina’s ancestors were members of the Christian Mission in England. Her parents, David and Jane Ann Davidson, immigrated to Nova Scotia, where Georgina was born in 1906. In 1920 her parents moved to the United States where they served as officers in the Western Territory. Georgina entered the training college in the Victory Session and was commissioned in 1926.

On furlough from her first appointment in Hawaii, she visited her parents in Greeley, Colo. In October 1928, a hit-and-run driver struck their car, and her mother died at the scene. In the car with them at the time was Captain Clyde Panter, who was a comfort to the family. Captain Georgina Davidson’s impending change of appointment was cancelled, and she was assigned to assist her father in Greeley.

Georgina Davidson and Clyde Panter were married in Denver in 1930. Together they held appointments in Colorado and Northern and Southern California. Clyde was appointed as a territorial auditor in San Francisco, where their daughter Florence was born. Following her husband’s promotion to Glory in 1952, Georgina served at Pinehurst Lodge in San Francisco and The Salvation Army Home and Hospital in El Paso, Texas. Georgina retired in 1955 after almost thirty years as a Salvation Army officer.

Following her retirement she lived with her daughter and son-in-law in Fairfax, Calif., and assisted them in the beauty shop they owned and operated. She performed marriages for six of the beauty shop patrons.
She was always joyful. Surprised at living so long she said, “I don’t know how I lived so long. I thought I would die of the chilblains back in Nova Scotia.”

A memorial service was held at Keaton’s Mortuary Chapel, San Rafael, Calif., with Major Frank Brown officiating. Interment took place at Cypress Lawn Cemetery in Colma, Calif.

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