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Promoted to Glory

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Promoted to Glory

Captain Lewis Jackson was promoted to Glory on July 29 from Baywood Banner Hospital in Mesa, Arizona.

A fourth-generation Salvationist, Lew was born November 30, 1939 in Niagara Falls, New York, to Christopher and Helen Jackson. He grew up in Southgate, Michigan in the Downriver Corps—now called the Wyandotte Corps.

In 1959 Lew married Norma Claire Hagerman, and soon the couple began their lifetime of service in The Salvation Army. They served as local officers in both the Eastern and Central Territories, and entered training in 1971 from the Elwood, Indiana Corps, where they served as envoys.

The Jacksons were sent out as Cadet-Lieutenants to the Rockford Citadel Corps in 1972, returning to be commissioned with their session, Blood and Fire, in 1973. Lew was valedictorian and session speaker. In 1981, after several corps officer appointments in the Central Territory, the Jacksons moved west. They served as corps officers in Sun City and Tempe, Arizona and Napa, Eureka, and Santa Cruz, California. Their final appointments were in Prescott and North Phoenix, Arizona. The Jacksons took early medical retirement in 1999 due to Lew’s declining health.

Lew is survived by his wife, Norma Claire; sisters—Joan (Alton) Locke and Lana (Bernard) Remmers; children—sons Captain Kevin (Linda) Jackson and Adam Jackson, daughters Kathryn (Richard) Bertolini and Captain Jennifer (Ivan) Wild; and 14 grandchildren.

A memorial service was held at Desert Cross Lutheran Church in Tempe, Arizona with Reverend Stephen Holm officiating; Colonel Bruce Harvey and Captain Ivan Wild participated.

Messages of sympathy may be sent to: Captain Norma Claire Jackson, 63 W. Buena Vista Dr., Tempe, AZ 85287; Captain Kevin Jackson, 2 Crestmont Lane, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275; and Captain Jennifer Wild, 20318 Amie Avenue, Torrance, CA 90503.

Brigadier Faith McHarg was promoted to Glory on July 17 in Petaluma, California.

Born July 5, 1911 in Jamestown, North Dakota, Faith was the fourth child born to pioneer Canadian Salvation Army officer parents, Adjutants James and Ellen McHarg. All four children became Army officers.

Faith entered training in San Francisco in 1937 and was commissioned with the Enthusiasts Session in 1938.

Her early appointments were to the Oakland Women’s Home, the Los Angeles Booth Memorial Hospital, and to the Trade department. She served again at both the Oakland Home and the Booth Hospital before reporting to THQ as an assistant in the Women’s Social Services department.

In 1948 she moved to the training college as secretary to the principal, and in 1954 she returned to THQ, serving 22 years in the following appointments: Audit and Accounting, Finance department, assistant Field department and assistant women’s social services secretary. Her final appointment before retiring in 1976 was secretary to the Chief Secretary.

Brigadier Faith was a good listener, a mentor and an encourager to the girls at the Booth Homes as well as to young officers who needed a friend to talk to.

Surviving her are two nephews, Donald Duerr and George Duerr, and Lt. Colonel Jean McHarg of Vancouver, Washington, the wife of Faith’s late nephew Bill. Messages may be sent to the family in care of George Duerr, 7048 Overlook Drive, Santa Rosa, CA 95409.

A memorial service was held at the Santa Rosa Corps with Captain Fred Rasmussen, corps officer, officiating.

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