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Promoted to Glory

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Promoted to Glory

With her family at her side, Captain Donna Lenore Bales was promoted to Glory on April 25 from the Yakima Valley Memorial Hospital in Yakima, Wash.

Donna was born in Toppenish, Wash. on Sept. 23, 1946 and was raised in a Christian home. Her love for the Lord was evident in her effervescent smile.

Despite being afflicted with rheumatoid arthritis at age 14, Donna pursued her education, graduating from Northwest Nazarene College in 1970 with a B.A. in Education. While in college, she was introduced to The Salvation Army and attended the Caldwell, Idaho Corps. Later Donna moved to Phoenix, Ariz. and worked at the corps there until entering the School for Officer Training.

Because of her leadership abilities, she was promoted to cadet-sergeant during her second year of training. She was commissioned in 1978 with the Disciples of Jesus Session and sent to the Redwood City, Calif. Corps as the assistant.

Donna served as assistant at several corps including: Merced, Santa Cruz and San Luis Obispo, Calif. After a special assignment at San Francisco divisional headquarters, she returned to Merced as corps officer. She then served as counselor at the San Francisco Harbor Light Center and coordinator at the Turk Street Center. In 1986 she was appointed assistant at the San Francisco Harbor Light.

Due to her crippling arthritis, she retired in 1993 and returned to her parents’ home. After retirement, she kept busy with her family and was active at the West Valley Church of the Nazarene.

Surviving Captain Bales are her parents, R.C. (Red) and Mildred Bales of Naches, Wash.; two sisters, Peggy Cates and Marilyn Hoops; one brother, Marvin Darla; nine nieces and nephews and fourteen great nieces and nephews.

A memorial service was held at the West Valley Church of the Nazarene in Yakima, Wash.

Cards and messages may be sent to Mr. And Mrs. R.C. Bales, 81 Locust Lane, Naches, WA 98937.

Frances Waldie, a faithful soldier of the Colorado Springs Corps for over 70 years, was promoted to Glory on January 7, 2004.

She was raised attending The Salvation Army and became a soldier 67 years ago in Amarillo, Texas. After her marriage to Clay Waldie, the couple moved to Colorado Springs.

After joining the band and songsters, Frances also became a Sunday school teacher, corps treasurer, YPSM and Guard leader. She started a string band and was active in Home League and League of Mercy.

Frances was a fun-loving woman who enjoyed music—especially yodeling—playing her guitar and singing to bless others, and performing in a quartet with her three daughters. One of her daughters, Irene, became an officer, serving 39 years with her husband, Major Robert Lloyd. Her other daughters, Ann Kassane and Idona Beck, are active in their corps. Three of her grandchildren are also active officers: Major Jolene Hodder, Captain Robert Lloyd and Captain James Lloyd; along with a foster granddaughter, Major Laura Heiselman.

Frances is remembered as a great Salvationist who loved her Lord and was an inspiration to many.

Her son-in-law, Major Robert Lloyd, conducted the funeral with the assistance of his two officer sons.

An ongoing memorial fund has been established at the Colorado Springs Corps designated for youth camp programs. Contributions may be sent to the corps at P.O. Box 9947, Colorado Springs, CO 80932-9947.

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