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Prayer Summit Highlights Commissioning Weekend

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Commissioning 1998

by Captain Donna Ames –

“Lord, teach us to pray…”
(Luke 11: 1b NIV)

Jesus’ twelve disciples approached him with this request because they longed to speak to the Father with the same fervency, intimacy and effect that they saw in Jesus’ prayer life.

Modern day Salvationist/disciples still long to pray the way that Jesus taught those first disciples. Understanding that longing and the need to be a praying Army, the territorial commander, Commissioner David Edwards, has called the Western Territory to prayer and established the first Territorial Prayer Summit.

The Prayer Summit has been set for Saturday, June 13, 1998 in conjunction with Commissioning Weekend. The location is the Sheraton at Cerritos, directly adjacent to the Cerritos Center, site of the Commissioning events.

Held from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM, the Summit will feature a “prayer cycle” of worship, Bible teaching and small group prayer times. The “10/40 Window” prayer luncheon will include costumed representatives of various unreached people groups sharing information and prayer requests.

Internationally known and respected Bible teacher, Commissioner Edward Read ( R ) is the featured speaker. The Commissioner travels extensively throughout the Army world, preaching and teaching on holiness and discipleship. His published books include “Keepers of the Covenant” and “Discipleship.”

Recently, he was in Southern California where he led a highly successful Divisional Holiness Institute. The overwhelming response to this institute and the requests for more of this kind of teaching have made the Commissioner a natural choice for the Prayer Summit.

The Bible teaching will focus on the Lord’s Prayer as a model for the disciples’ priority, pattern, promise and passion. An inter-divisional Prayer Summit committee of soldiers and officers is planning a schedule that will include prayer cycles of worship, instruction and small group prayer. Every effort is being made to make this not just a Summit about prayer but a true Summit of Prayer. The Summit will emphasize the Territory’s Prayer Partners program and the role of corps prayer leaders.

Registration forms for the Summit will be available through local corps. Advanced registration (received at THQ by May 15) is $15. After May 15, it is $20. Morning coffee and lunch are included in the cost.

Advanced registration also includes a Commissioning Program and reserved tickets for the Saturday night musical and Sunday Commissioning and Appoint-ment services. However, due to limited seating at the Sheraton, registration for the Summit is limited to 450, so please, register early.

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