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Portland Salvation Army shelter director recognized

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Shannon Singleton is one of six recipients at the Coordinating Committee to End Homelessness Achievement Awards.

By Constance Grecco

Shannon Singleton, executive director at The Salvation Army Female Emergency Shelter (SAFES) in the Cascade Division, was recognized July 20 at the Coordinating Committee to End Homelessness’ (CCEH) Achievement Awards ceremony, held at the First United Methodist Church in SW Portland. Commissioner Nick Fish and Commissioner Deborah Kafoury presented awards to six individuals and programs in the Portland community, all selected by CCEH, who are working diligently to end homelessness.

In his opening statements, Fish said that it is “time to recognize the people in the trenches.” He pointed out that the work being done in those trenches is substantial and that thousands of people have been helped thanks to the people in the room that day.

Halfway through the ceremony, Fish recognized Singleton, who is also a member of the CCEH Steering Committee and is “a strong voice for women, people experiencing homelessness, communities of color, persons with disabilities and other marginalized groups.”  Shannon was recognized for her leadership at SAFES and for her ability to create strong partnerships with other agencies resulting in a stronger community-wide effort towards ending homelessness.

Singleton humbly and graciously accepted her award and considered it an honor to be nominated and selected by her colleagues. “We all did and do good work,” she said.  “I am privileged to get to tell the story of the women in our community whose voice is so often silenced.”

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