New Zip for THQ

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ZIP CODE 90802–Western headquarters will relocate to this building next year.


The Salvation Army’s Western Territorial Headquar-ters will relocate its administrative offices next year to a recently purchased building in Long Beach, Calif. according to an announcement by Commissioner David Edwards.

The move, expected to be completed by August, 2000, will solve current space problems as well as provide valuable room for future growth.

Headquarters will occupy seven floors in the 12-story building. The remaining floors will be leased to tenants whose rents will help cover building maintenance costs.

The Crestmont campus in Rancho Palos Verdes, headquarters for the past 24 years, will still house the College for Officer Training and continuing education operations.

The new site, located at 180 East Ocean Blvd., will bring together under one roof departments currently located at THQ and the Lomita annex (which includes the ARC Command). The Lomita facility will be sold with proceeds applied to the cost of the new location.

Plans for the Crestmont campus include establishing continuing education and conference facilities, expanding education and training programs and increasing cadet family housing.

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