New Home League members enrolled in Albuquerque

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The Albuquerque Citadel Corps recently welcomed Divisional Women’s Ministries Secretary Major Dawn Rocheleau to its women’s ministries meeting.

Rocheleau enrolled five new Home League members: Judy Greene, Alyse Davis, Susan English, Cindy Goldrick, and Flora Moya. Davis is the youngest of the new members, a mother of two young children and attending college.

Rocheleau’s message that day was titled, “God’s Glory on Display,” which reflected the 2018 Women’s Ministries theme of Declaring God’s Glory.

Recently appointed Albuquerque Citadel Corps Officer Major Victoria Shiroma later conducted the local officer commissioning of two Home League members and soldiers: Donna Patterson as Home League Secretary and Shawn Lawson as Home League Treasurer.

Norma Watson was recognized for her years of commitment as the previous Home League Secretary. Watson retired from the post, as well as from her career, to move near family out of state. Watson gave a moving testimony of her experience as a Home League member, local leader and corps soldier.

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