New brigade brings hope

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The Salvation Army’s newest “brigade” is not filled with officers, cadets, or employees–instead, it is a means of recognizing the generosity and caring of a special group of planned giving donors who, by their giving, advance the ministry of the Army.

“Hope Brigade is an appropriate name for this special group of donors who bequest or will a legacy gift for the fulfillment of The Salvation Army’s mission,” said Territorial Planned Giving Consultant Sharon Lander. “Together, they give a legacy of hope to others through the Army.”

Salvation Army Planned Giving Directors developed the Hope Brigade program in the USA Western Territory under Lander’s leadership. The program was launched in 2002 and, she says, “the initial response has been very positive, and the results are considerable.”

The purpose of the Hope Brigade is to:

  • support the ministry of The Salvation Army with present and future gifts
  • strengthen donor relationships by maintaining significant contacts
  • provide a format for expressing appreciation of the planned giving donor
  • reach new people and encourage prospects to include The Salvation Army in their estate plans
  • identify more planned giving donors and increase planned giving dollars.

Membership in The Hope Brigade

“It is with deep gratitude to our Legacy Donors that The Salvation Army USA Western Territory recognizes the significance of this financial support by extending an invitation for voluntary membership in The Hope Brigade,” said Lander.

Members of the Hope Brigade are greatly appreciated for their generosity, vision and compassion. They inspire others to share the mission and experience the joy of “giving hope and a future” through The Salvation Army. The hands of hope are extended, giving new hope to one more family, child, life and one more soul.

Members receive a Hope Brigade certificate, membership card, lapel pin, newsletter, donor approved honor roll recognition and invitations to special events for the Hope Brigade hosted by The Salvation Army and sponsors.

Legacy of Hope

A Legacy of Hope can be established through a variety of planning techniques that may also save taxes, increase income, supplement retirement or provide for your heirs. The Legacy Gift can be completed during one’s lifetime or through one’s estate plan.

The Army’s planned giving program offers a full range of gift options. Legacy Gifts such as cash, securities and other property may be used to fund gift plans. Donors become eligible for membership in the Hope Brigade by establishing any of the Legacy Gifts shown in the chart below.

In consultation with your local Salvation Army gift planning specialist (at no charge) and your personal advisors, you can develop a strategy that works for you, your family and those helped by The Salvation Army in your community.

When the establishment of a Legacy Gift to The Salvation Army is confirmed, the Legacy Donor is invited to become a member of the Hope Brigade. The estate planning and financial advisors who are instrumental in helping their clients become Legacy Donors are invited to join an honorary association of professionals, the Council of Hope.

Council of Hope

The Council of Hope recognizes attorneys, accountants, financial planners, investment managers, stockbrokers, realtors, insurance agents, trust officers and other advisors for their valued role in the legacy gifting process.

“We strongly encourage donors to consult independent counsel and the privacy of the client is respected,” said Lander. “A donor’s best interests are served and all benefit when professionals work closely together on the individual’s behalf.” As a Legacy Gifting team, it is the donors’ legal, financial and tax advisors ­ collaborating with professional planned giving directors of The Salvation Army ­ who enable clients to best achieve their personal goals for distribution of their assets. For brochures and more information on Legacy Gift planning as well as membership in the Hope Brigade or the Council of Hope, contact your local Salvation Army planned giving director.

Dear Friends,

Shortly after we moved to San Diego we created our trust. One call to Sam Calhoun stating our desires brought professional assistance, gentle coaching, referral to an attorney and so much peace of mind.

We receive satisfaction and comfort knowing that our trust with The Salvation Army will help give others a better life.

I will always remember how The Salvation Army in Canada offered to stop by and visit my grandparents daily, pray with them and see that they were doing well when I couldn’t visit them. You see, when I was born my mother died and they made a home for me till I was ten. Having to suddenly leave them to be with my father in California (who had not seen me for nine years) and not being able to visit them was a terrible experience. But the comfort I felt as a child, just knowing those precious visits were being made to my grandparents, stayed in my heart.

Another memory is the day The Salvation Army folks came to school and took me home with them because of the blizzard in Alberta. They let my grandparents know I was safe; I had fun with their children. Having my first hot dog and hot chocolate made it a celebration. There is not enough money in the world to repay the Army for the gifts they offer.

We never get the most until we give the most. Joining The Hope Brigade was the best way for us to help others.

Maralyn & Carl Johnson

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