Mission team ministers in Zimbabwe

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Cultures come togther to share the love of God.

Helen Park of the Renton, Wash. corps helps out by painting. [Photo by Terry Masango]

When nine Salvationists from the Renton (Wash.) Corps, led by Captains Terry and Rutendo Masango, arrived in Harare, Zimbabwe for a three-week mission trip, awaiting them were the corps officers and local soldiers—and members of the Masango family. Having last visited their home country eight years ago, they were happy to introduce their daughters, Fiela and Tanaka, to the family.

Before their first Sunday service at the Highfield Temple Corps, the team held a junior soldiers’ meeting with 500 children in attendance. Over 1,000 people attended the adult service with most of them in uniform.

The team led 15 meetings, including Sunday worship services, youth group, Home League, Men’s Fellowship, a couples’ meeting, a marriage seminar, and several village meetings. They encouraged orphans at the Chinyaradzo Children’s Home, visited The Salvation Army Howard Hospital and Howard High School, took part in Bible studies in various suburbs, and conducted vacation Bible school in a rural area. Captain Terry Masango preached in Shona—his native language—in six worship services, and team members shared their testimonies. Many responded by coming to the mercy seat.

The team purchased paint, and painted the officers’ quarters and administration building, and donated 11 brass instruments to the Highfield Temple band.

“The poverty in Zimbabwe is great. Unemployment is up to 80 percent,” said Masango. “But the people continue to fight and survive. The Salvation Amy hospital, school and orphanage have limited budgets and staff, but the grace of God enables them to keep everything going. Everywhere people shared with us, even if it secretly meant they would go without.”

Masango reports that having witnessed The Salvation Army thriving in the midst of abject poverty, the team has a renewed vision for mission. After experiencing the vibrant African worship, they have a renewed passion for God. Through the mission trip, God taught them to rely on him.

“We were challenged to step out of our comfort zones, and we succeeded!”

He added, “As a result of the Zimbabwe mission trip, the team members’ lives were transformed for eternity. We want to pass on what we learned to others.”

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