Letters to the editor
Large print publications
When is the TSA going to start publishing The War Cry, the YS and New Frontier in either large print or on cassette? When is the TSA going to do a needs assessment in each territory to find out what the needs of those with disabilities are?
I am not sitting here doing nothing about it. I am currently sending my War Cry’s and YS’s and New Frontiers to the Catholic Guild for the Blind in Chicago to have them put on tape. When I get done listening to them, they’ll go into the corps library. I am paying probably quadruple the normal subscription fee to have them recorded right ($4 per tape…1 War Cry is one tape) but it is worth it.
I have attended the Sunnyvale-Mt. View Corps for many years.
Betty Henderson
I was privileged to work at the Seattle and Portland ARCs for 16 years – I love “The Army” – just like to keep up with some of the many wonderful things your ministry does.
Frank Henderson
Lynnwood, WA
I was excited to find your magazine on-line. I read all of Vol. 21, Number 3 with interest, especially about your new TC and the direction you see the SA going in your part of the world.
It is a vital question we, too, are facing with so many changes all around and the effect that change is having on some in our organization.
I also read about the uniforms (“Kay Sera?” By Major Terry Camsey) and I, too, agree it is the passion in the heart, not just the uniform worn that is important.
I am interested in subscribing to your magazine as an extra source of information and inspiration.
Angela Eyles, Captain
Australia Eastern Territory