Letters to the Editor

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Letters to the editor

Controversial theology

Congratulations on the September 19, 2000 of New Frontier. (Thanks) to Bob Docter for covering the General’s controversial theology. Combining that with the letters printed, the issue was a triumph in free speech in the Army! Ah, the free exchange of ideas–what a great thing…I like to be exposed to ideas with which I disagree.

Amy Reardon, Lieut.
Denver Citadel Corps, CO

Africa emphasis

The New Frontiers have arrived safely and we are absolutely delighted. All the officers and staff are thrilled also. You have captured the feel and atmosphere and exactly what we would have liked to express–but couldn’t have put it so well ourselves. Thank you for all your efforts on our behalf.


Thanks for the tremendous articles pertaining to Africa. They are appreciated and bring home to our own people the realities of ministry right on their doorstep.

David and Jean Burrows, Lt. Cols.
Tanzania Command


Congratulations on the outstanding double issue of New Frontier. Your photos, stories, and columns relating the many exciting and moving experiences made for an interesting read. It is good to see that The Salvation Army is making a difference in the lives of people living in those countries.

Warren Maye
Editor – Good News!
Eastern Territory


Taking a moment to send my congratulations and appreciation for the extremely well researched, well documented and emotive Africa report along with the excellent photographs. It is great.

John Smith


It was great to see all the photos and read up on Tanzania and South Africa. Good job on all the articles. Blessings to you as you continue to encourage, inspire and update all of us Salvationists all over the place.

Debbie Horwood, C aptain
Malawi Region


Impressive issue (Africa). The presentation was particularly effective because it sucked me into the articles so quickly that I focused on the content and forgot, for the moment, why I was looking at the issue.

I’ve been following the AIDS in Africa issue, so I was especially interested in your issue’s assessment of the situation. It looks like the Army is doing an incredible job against enormous cultural odds.

Jean Adelsman
Managing editor
The Daily Breeze
Torrance, CA

War to Overcome Poverty

It was with interest that I read “War to Overcome Poverty” in New Frontier (Thanksgiving 2000). It had two interesting points. One was that “Partisan battles must not blur…educational opportunities that are unjustly based on where they live and their parents’ income” The second was the acknowledgment that “working with schools to make education work is a critical priority.”

As a Caucasian school teacher teaching in an inner-city school (Compton, by choice) I agree with the article. One of the essential ways of overcoming poverty is with education. However, I don’t think its “partisan battles” as much as it is lack of equipment and supplies, major discipline problems, and lack of education of parents and community that blur the education opportunities.

Education is critical. In your war upon poverty, might I recommend that, as we Christian teachers often pray for our ministers, missionaries, and youth workers, we teachers across America could use and would appreciate the prayers of Christians and fellow-believers as we work with the children, providing them an education that will help them become productive adults.

Karren M. Krosby
Huntington Beach, CA


Karl Marx, Eugene B. Debs and L.B. Johnson have already proposed these concepts (Compassionate Activism – Thanksgiving 2000). Whatever happened to personal responsibility? These ideas are not biblical.

Jim Frasier
Hemet Corps, CA

Looking good

Congratulations on the new and improved web site access to New Frontier. If I’m not mistaken, the USA West is again leading the way with this interactive medium. I have always enjoyed reading NF on-line first, thus allowing a leisurely in-depth reading of the print copy when it arrives.

Dale Pittock
Richland WA

Dancing Angels

I enjoyed reading…”A Sense of Community” and “Angels Dance at Red Shield” in the August 25 issue of New Frontier. I am responding to these because it is so refreshing to read New Frontier writings that are journalistic in style. Too often, heavy religious references in the typical New Frontier article tend to cloud the message and the reader ends up missing the point.

T. Seikichi Taba, D.D.S
San Jose, CA

Send your letters to the editor to: New Frontier (letters), 30840 Hawthorne Blvd., Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 or e-mail us at: Safrontier@aol.com
The editor reserves the right to print short excerpts from letters.

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