Letters to the Editor

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Letters to the Editor


(About the article, “Pierced to the Heart,” by Captain Carla LaFayette in the December 23, 1998 issue of New Frontier)

KUDOS! I agree with you that the Lord uses whatever it takes to get the message to us and uses whatever messenger he sees fit to deliver that message…Maybe the peer group of the particular messenger, (whoever he may be) can assimilate better and accept and understand the Lord and his love. We “wiser” adults sometimes get too caught up in the problem and never find the answer. That’s when we should look to our youth for their help and opinions. After all, aren’t they a part of society and God’s creation?

Jan Tillman
Honolulu DHQ


Congratulations! You’ve not only got “heart” but you’ve got “guts,” pardon the expression. A good article which I needed to read and hopefully many others will read.

Bob Tobin
Colonel (R)
Seattle WA


Wow! What a beautiful article…The Bible says, “God looks at the heart and men look at the outward appearance.” Keep up the good work!

Ben and Gloria Nunes
Brigadiers (R)
Phoenix AZ


Body piercing and tattoos have been discussed in Letters to the Editor recently. After Captain Carla LaFayette urged a biblical study of the issue, Lt. Col. Chapman correctly stated the body is the temple of the Holy Ghost and should be treated with care…I don’t think you could make a biblical case, however, that equates body piercing or the use of tattoos with desecrating the body. When Jesus returns to fight the battle against Satan in Revelation 19, tattooed on his thigh will be the words: King of Kings and Lord of Lords (v.16). All of us make statements about our values, beliefs and commitments every day by the clothes and jewelry we wear and a few, though more extreme, expressions like tattooing and body piercing. We must be vigilant in sending the right message about our relationship with God through our dress and adornment, but less concerned about why (some), according to the impulses of their own consciences, choose to do the same.

Edward Hill

“The Subtle Sin”

It has been our pleasure and privilege to receive the New Frontier for at least the past five years or more…We especially appreciate the variety of columnists…Congratulations to Lt. Amy Reardon on her column “The Subtle Sin,” which includes her own confession, and I am sure convicted most of us when we read it. May God use this and many more columns from the gift God has given Amy to minister through the printed word.

Albert and Lydia Browning
Lt. Colonels (R)


I read your comments regarding “Cynicism” (New Frontier January 30, 1999) with interest.

While I laud the effort to involve the soldiery and other stakeholders in defining a vision for the future of The Salvation Army, the phenomenon is not new. I am aware of at least three occasions when, with great fanfare and pageantry, the organizational decision makers sought the collective wisdom of the rank and file.

The response each time from soldiery and other stakeholders was an outpouring of significant personal time, energy and creativity to provide thoughtful and considered insight and visionary ideas for progress and growth. The apparent response to each instance from the decision makers was a big yawn at best.

While I choose to be a cautious optimist, I must caution that we stand to lose more entire generations if we continue the policy of “ask and ignore; we really know best,” if we insist on maintaining the centralization of decision-making and power.

Bob Gregg
Pasadena Tabernacle Corps

Thank You

My wife and I read (New Frontier) with great interest and often with much inspiration. It always expands our horizons about who and where the Army is alive and well.

I enjoy the messages of Commissioner David Edwards as well as the other stimulating and challenging messages from officer writers. Thank you also for “On the Corner” each issue. I somehow picture Bob Docter standing on the crowded corner in the middle of an open air meeting, reaching out to find people who are lost!

I was moved by the territorial commander’s column about mentoring. I noted a mentoring program is now part of your pastoral care program. Could you forward my request for any information on it? I am anxious to promote the idea among Salvationists in this part of the world.

I will be in Haiti conducting an officers’ retreat with Lt. Colonel Alfred Pierre and his officers soon. Your article on Haiti in the February 28 issue was full of interest to me.

David Hammond
Lt. Colonel
Ontario, Canada

Send your letters to the editor to: New Frontier (letters), 30840 Hawthorne Blvd., Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 or e-mail us at:

The editor reserves the right to print short excerpts from letters.

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