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Letters to the Editor

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Reaction to Smedes

Thank you for publishing the interview with Professor Lewis Smedes (New Frontier, 30 April and 15 May 1996). I first met him as a doctoral student in philosophy at UCLA. From that moment on he has been a positive influence on me–demonstrating that even a professor can be in touch with the hopes and anxieties of real people, and that an academic can still be a strong evangelical Christian.

New Frontier sets a high standard in Salvationist journalism. Keep it up!

James E. Read, Ph.D.
Executive Director, The Salvation Army Ethics Center
Winnipeg, Manitoba

I was delighted to read Major Deborah Flagg’s interview with Dr. Lewis Smedes…Having attended several seminars in which Dr. Smedes offered his thoughtful, scripturally based insights, I learned to appreciate his ability to present the claims of a holy and just God as well as those of the same God whose love, grace and mercy were revealed in his Son.

In view of the complexities of our age, Christians…will benefit from coming before God and reasoning with him and each other. Our conclusions may vary because we bring our own experience and insight… but hopefully we will discover more of God’s truth, which is far greater than any of us…Thank you for providing your readers with this stimulating material.

Lt. Colonel Della M. Rees (R)
Santa Rosa, CA

I understand the Army to consider the Bible as the inspired word of God. I hope that articles such as the one of Dr. Smedes’ views does not begin to sound the opening salvo of a knell for God’s Army…I’ll focus on two areas of Dr. Smedes’ concern, abortion and homosexuality. (Regarding abortion) God tells us he knew us before we were; (regarding homosexuality) it is important that the homosexual know that the God they desire to claim says the behavior they have chosen is an abomination to Him…I feel a great deal of shame for anyone who does not find God’s word sufficient for them.

Larry Hickman
San Francisco, CA

Please consider interviewing someone like Rev. Billy Graham for some Biblical answers instead of someone like Dr. Smedes. (Graham) gives what God has said on abortion, the beginning of human life, homosexuality and the value of life. Dr. Smedes gives the reader his personal opinion, which he admits may be wrong.

The Salvation Army listens to former alcoholics, drug users, prostitutes, etc., and their redemptive stories. Why are homosexuals coddled in their sinning? Jesus paid a tremendous price to save them; let’s tell them the Truth.

Diane L. Parker, Envoy
Bellevue Corps, WA

Send your letters to the editor to: New Frontier (letters), 30840 Hawthorne Blvd., Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90275 or E-mail us at: NewFrontr@aol.com Read New Frontier on the Internet at: https://www.westweb.net/newfrontier/

The editor reserves the right to print short excerpts from letters.



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