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Leadership education discipleship

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The Western Territory’s LEADS (Leadership, Education, and Discipleship School) is now seeking applicants for its 2001 session, which will be in session from March 12, 2001 to November 16, 2001.

The school’s mission is to prepare students for active ministry within The Salvation Army in an environment that supports a growing relationship with Jesus Christ, encourages comprehensive learning, and provides an opportunity for implementing basic discipleship, evangelism, leadership, social and general ministry skills.

As a part of the session, students have the choice of participating in a summer service opportunity in service corps, summer camp, or at a corps community center.

The current session of LEADS has included five different monthly themes: Knowing You, Knowing Youth, Knowing the Army as Church, Knowing now Serving, and Stepping Out.


Interested applicants should be: a Salvation Army soldier between the ages of 18-25 who is currently striving to grow in their Christian walk and in their ministry to others.

The next step is to complete a preliminary application by sending the following information:

  • Personal Info: Name, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone, E-mail, Gender, Age, Corps, and Division.
  • Two Letters of Recommendation: One from your corps officer and one from your divisional youth secretary.
  • Written answers to the following: A. Why do you want to be a student in the LEADS program? B. What is your personal testimony? C. What do you see as your strengths? Weaknesses? D. Are there any reasons why you cannot remain in the School for the full session?

Once the above information is received we will contact you and will continue the application process. The preliminary application deadline is January 31, 2001. Incomplete applications or those received past the deadline will not be considered.

For any additional information and to send your application please contact LEADS at:

30840 Hawthorne Blvd., RPV CA 90275
E-mail: Ethan_Bradley@USW.salvationarmy.org

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