NAB MEMBER–Marlene Klotz-Collins with National Chief Secretary Colonel John Bate at the recent National Advisory Organizations Conference.
“I’m in awe of what The Salvation Army does,” stated Marlene Klotz-Collins, a 15-year member of the Phoenix Metro Board who has served for the past two and a half years on the Army’s National Advisory Board (NAB) as well. “I’m in awe of their commitment and humility and compassion.”
From her decade and a half of involvement with the Army, she’s had a chance to see its breadth and scope on both the local and national levels. “This organization is so well respected. People know and trust the Army–and that trust is well deserved.”
As a member of the NAB’s development committee, she has worked to strengthen local boards. Recently, she wrote and produced a 13-minute tape for new board members giving a succinct overview of the Army. “People can listen to it in their cars,” she said. “We produced several thousand copies that boards can give to new members.”
She also wrote and produced Best Practices, which identifies and explains the best, most successful projects and programs of advisory boards, women’s auxiliaries, and service extension units and councils from every territory in the nation.
Klotz-Collins is vice president of community relations at KTVK 3 (Channel 3) in Phoenix. She chaired the Phoenix Metro Board from 1995-7.
(Please contact Captain Bob Rudd, Community Relations Secretary, THQ, for copies of Best Practices.)