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Kalispell, Mont., Finds Answers to Prayer

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OPEN HOUSE–Sunbeams greet visitors at their display booth during the Kalispell Corps’ dedication weekend open house.

by Captain Linda Goode – 

Why are we surprised when God answers prayer? The prayers of the Kalispell, Mont., corps, were answered when funding became available recently to purchase the old Mormon Stake Center on Buffalo Hill–an answer to four years of prayer and hard work.

The new Kalispell Corps building has a gymnasium with a stage, a chapel seating 250, a large kitchen (where meals are prepared for the daily hot lunch feeding program), a dining room seating 50, and ample classroom and office space.

Exciting things are happening as new community outreach programs are being developed. The newest program is a much needed free medical clinic for needy families and the homeless. At present, no such program exists in Kalispell.

This summer, a day camp will be held–something not possible in the old building, due to space constraints. In the fall, an after school program will offer recreation as well as tutors to help students with homework.

Special musical guests, the Divisional Youth Band from Alberta and Northwest Territories, Canada, performed at the building’s recent dedication. Their first performance was an outdoor mini-concert, held in conjunction with the local United Way’s “Kid’s Day.” Following the concert, the corps had an open house at their building. Afterwards, a celebration meeting was held, conducted in the style of an annual meeting but using comedy and drama to communicate what the Army has accomplished and plans to accomplish in the future.

Sunday brought a team of eight Divisional Youth Band members (accompanied by A/Captain Donna Hooft) to the county jail, located in downtown Kalispell. Other members of the DYB conducted an exciting Sunday school assembly at the corps. Major Ralph Hood, territorial property secretary, gave the morning message. Immediately following the Holiness meeting, the dedication service was attended by more than 100, including Kalispell Mayor Bill Boharski, who gave a short address. The evening concluded with a band concert.

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