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Jarl Wahlström Promoted to Glory

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General Jarl Wahlström (R) was recently promoted to Glory at the age of 81, after a very long illness.

The youngest son of Colonel and Mrs. Rafael Wahlström of Finland, he was commissioned in 1938 with the Enthusiasts Session, the first future General to be trained at the Denmark Hill college.

He was called to the service at the outbreak of World War II, serving as a chaplain for the last two years. At this time he married Lieutenant Maire Nyberg.

Among other assignments he served as training principal, as divisional commander and as chief secretary.

His first overseas appointment was as chief secretary for the Canada and Bermuda Territory. He then returned to his homeland as territorial commander. In January 1981 he was appointed territorial commander for Sweden before becoming General in 1981.

During his four and a half years in high office he, with Mrs. Wahlström, toured the Army world, reviewing the work and encouraging the ranks. Received by royalty, heads of state and national leaders, he proved an outstanding ambassador for the Army.

A funeral service took place in Helsinki with the Chief of the Staff, Commissioner John Larsson, speaking to represent world Salvationists. A memorial service featuring the General’s music and songs will be held in the new year.

Salvationists will wish to surround Mrs. General Maire Wahlström and their children, Ulf, Inger and Jarl, together with the grandchildren and other family members, with prayer. Mrs. Wahlström may be contacted at: Borgstrominkuja 1 A 10; 00840 Helsinki 84; SF-FINLAND

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