International guests provide instruction for 200 musicians

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From throughout California, 200 Army musicians recently gathered at Pasadena Tabernacle representing corps, large and small, and spanning eight decades of musical ministries.

Organized by Bandmaster Chris Mallett, divisional music director, the delegates enjoyed the music, teaching, and humor of special guest Songster Leader Susan Turner (Staines, U.K.), former member and deputy leader of the International Staff Songsters.

Susan led exercises involving posture, breath control, and production, humorously touching on pronunciation and the effect of full lungs upon the diaphragm. She thrilled the audience with excerpts from “The Messiah,” and later in the Festival of Praise with “Footprints in the Sand,” (Joseph Martin/David Angerman), and “Part the Waters” (arr. Richard Phillips).

B/M Paul Smith from the Hemel Hempstead Corps (U.K.) has served as principal tuba with the BBC Symphony Orchestra since 1990. Paul conducted a master class in tuba playing and captivated the audience with his control, range, and tonal qualities on his E Flat tuba. Paul later gave beautiful performances of Monte’s “Czardas” and Leslie Condon’s “Celestial Morn.”

The theme for the afternoon Festival of Praise was taken from Psalm 66: 1-2 (NIV): “Shout with Joy to God, All the Earth! Sing the Glory of His Name; Make His Praise Glorious!” It was truly a time of glorious praise.

Stirring and exciting music was provided by the Tustin Ranch Band (B/M Ed Freeman) and Songster Brigade (S/L Bruce Freeman). Pasadena Tabernacle Songsters (S/L Martin Hunt), and Band (B/M Lambert Bittinger), Southern California Divisional Youth Band (B/M Mallett), Torrance Songsters (S/L Janette Bosanko), and the United Songsters–led by S/L Susan Turner. Bandmaster Smith led a tuba quintet in an outstanding performance of Eric Ball’s “Star Lake” march. Smith and Turner again delighted the audience with their selections.

Special mention must be made of the brilliant piano accompaniment by Territorial Music Secretary Ivor Bosanko throughout this wonderful day of music. He provided excellent piano backing for the soloists, United Songsters, and the Torrance Brigade.

Thanks are due to Divisional Leaders Lt. Colonels Alfred and Sherryl Van Cleef for their leadership and support throughout the day, and especially to the music leaders and their band and songster brigades for a time of richly rewarding, God-honoring music making.


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