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Hispanic camp a first in Northwest; family camp “storms the gates”with mission and thanksgiving

PRAISE AND worship is an important part of the Hispanic Family Bible Camp.

The Northwest Division celebrated its first Hispanic Family Bible Camp recently, attended by 171 soldiers. Pastor Otto Azurdia was special guest, and the musical group Inspiration (Inspiracion) brought special music.

Northwest Divisional Commander Major Ron Strickland dedicated Friday night’s opening service, exhorting Spanish-speaking soldiers to continue growing in the Lord and “to stay focused on the path Christ has laid before us.”

Captain Lex Giron stated “God is opening a new door to the Spanish ministry in the Division and now it is our responsibility to keep it open. How will we do this? By participating, inviting others and involving our own families.”

Giron expressed strong confidence that next year’s attendance will double! He also expressed appreciation to Strickland and Divisional Secretary Captain Robert Lloyd for their support in making this vision a reality and a blessing for the Hispanic families.

After an evening music concert by “Group Inspiracion” Azurdia focused on “The importance of the Holy Spirit in our lives,” and the next morning he continued with a focus on “The revival begins with me.”

Saturday evening, Azurdia told us “How to stay in the presence of God.” This exciting weekend concluded Sunday morning with an opportunity to “Dedicate our lives in the presence of God.”

We left our first Spanish- speaking family Bible camp renewed by the power of the Holy Spirit and anxious to share the gospel of Jesus Christ in our communities, and in our language!



Over 350 men, women and children “stormed the gates” of Camp Arnold at the Northwest Division’s annual family Bible camp held under the leadership of Majors Ron and Pam Strickland.

Lt. Colonels Richard and Bettie Love, former Seattle Temple corps officers and now Golden State divisional leaders, were welcomed back to the Northwest Division as guest speakers for the weekend of fun, fellowship and learning from the Lord’s Prayer.

On Friday night we “Stormed the Gates with JOY” with the Bellingham Gospel Singers, the Everett Dance Team and the world-renowned Gentleman Jugglers! The crowd clapped, sang and laughed together. Matthew Guthrie from Havre, MT, stood between two jugglers throwing bowling pins and enjoyed every minute of the limelight.

Saturday we “Stormed the Gates with Mission and Thanksgiving” and participated in a “Pie in the Face” World Services fundraiser for the Kalispell Corps, MT, coordinated by Envoy Steve Staneart. The divisional family raised $950 for Kalispell by bidding for the opportunity to put a cream pie in the face of various male officers and staff. Camp Director Major Ed Covert brought in the biggest bucks, but Strickland and Love were close seconds.

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