Heritage Society needs you

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Museum of the West

The Salvation Army Heritage Society and the Museum of the West need the support of Salvationists and friends to preserve Army history.

Annual membership in the Museum of the West is $35 per year and includes an official membership card, notification of special events, the Director’s Letter and special museum opportunities. The museum is open to visitors and groups free of charge, by appointment.

Visit the website at www.crestmontcollege.edu or call (310) 265-6241 for information.

Individuals wishing to leave a Salvation Army legacy may become part of the Heritage Society by choosing museum naming opportunities, which include galleries, furniture, exhibits, cultural displays and sponsorship or endowment of guest lectures and other educational opportunities.

For information about current collection needs, call Museum Director Captain Kevin Jackson at (310) 265-6241. For more on the Heritage Society and other giving and legacy opportunities you may call the Crestmont College Office of Institutional Advancement at the number above.

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