Helping women help themselves in South America

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Every year we have an opportunity to connect with women in another part of the world through our Territorial Women’s Ministries Project. Recently, countries included in the South America West Territory have been on our hearts because of the devastation they have suffered due to earthquakes and floods.

The women of Bolivia, Peru, Ecuador and Chile not only need our help to rebuild what has been lost, but also to discover and learn new ways to cope creatively with life after disaster.

The money raised by the 2002 Territorial Women’s Ministries Project will help the women and their families by providing interest-free loans for the purpose of micro-enterprise income generating activities; each country will hold a spiritual retreat for their women to provide for their spiritual and emotional needs; and the South America West Territory will produce a “Book of Handcrafts” complete with pictures and instructions.

The book will be used in Women’s Ministries programming and will also be sold at an affordable price, stimulating the women to make craft items to be sold.

In Bolivia, most of the country’s cities are situated on the Andes Mountains, and at high risk of suffering earthquake damage. Last year, Cochabamba suffered a total of ten earthquakes with intensities of 4.2 and above. Between 70 and 80 percent of the buildings were destroyed as most of the buildings are constructed of adobe and cannot withstand the shocks.

Earthquakes, landslides and drought also plague the countries of Peru and Chile bringing death, devastation and destruction of their cities as well.

Indeed, by raising money for this project, you will be helping women to help themselves and their families, not only economically but spiritually as well.

You can give at your local corps or send your donation to divisional headquarters, being sure to designate your donation for the Territorial Women’s Ministries Project 2002.

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