Harvest Festival supports training for cadets

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A long-held tradition of support for officer training in the Western Territory will take on a new twist this year, with a goal of helping divisions support the expense of cadet training.

The 2004 Harvest Festival appeal kicks off on Sunday, October 17, as members of Salvation Army congregations throughout the territory are asked to give toward a corps Harvest Festival gift. In the past these gifts have been directed to the School for Officer Training at Crestmont College. This year, says Crestmont President Lt. Colonel Raymond Peacock, corps gifts will go to the cadet trust fund in their division, to be used to help support training for the cadets who come from that division.

“Officer training is a partnership between Crestmont and the field,” Peacock told divisional leaders in September. “We’re developing leaders for ‘the Army next’ in a tougher, harder world and it costs money. Ultimately, every corps will benefit from the attention being paid now to preparation of leaders for the future.”

The Army principle behind Harvest Festival is that officer training is everyone’s responsibility, says Peacock. Potential leaders are identified locally, they are trained at Crestmont, and they return skilled and ready to serve throughout the territory and the world.

Corps Harvest Festival gifts for officer training will continue to be recognized on donor displays at Crestmont College. And individuals are always welcome to make personal gifts directly to Crestmont. For information about Harvest Festival, contact (310) 265-6140.

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